Our History

The Fogolar signifies the hearth or the fireplace which is the centre of the family life. The second World War brought a new wave of immigrants into Canada. The Furlans of Friuli found themselves in a new land with a different culture. Gone were the Sunday gatherings in the local bar where they could have a drink and play cards. This had been the custom in the old country and a few dedicated men decided to resurrect this missed tradition.
The idea that tradition should continue was brought in large part by Giuseppe Demonte and on April 14, 1961 the very first committee of Fogolar Furlan Windsor was created.
In the spring of 1962 plans were set for the first Club banquet where 300 of the local people, some members and some not, joined together in celebration.

The first physical structure was completed in 1966, as seen in the photo above. During the next 10 years, additional facilities like the Dante Costa hall (1970) and outdoor picnic grounds (1972) were developed to deal with the rising number of new members. However the new Dante Costa hall was outgrown and by 1978 even more construction was required. The main building was modified to make way for the new Canada and Friuli halls, each with a capacity of about 350 people. The grand opening of the new halls took place in 1981, the Club celebrating it’s 20th anniversary.

2002 saw huge improvements to the Fogolar’s cooking facilities, as a million-dollar state-of-the-art kitchen was built on the north end of the main building. Following the completion of the new kitchen, the committee focused their attention on the aging gymnasium in what was now called the Udine Complex. No longer being used for what it was intended, the gymnasium was converted into a modern banquet facility, complete with dynamic ceilings, hardwood floors, a digital projector & plasma televisions, and an elegant semi-circular bar. Completed in 2005, the Windsor Hall has been received by the public and the members with open arms. Easily one of the most beautiful banquet rooms in all of Windsor, the hall also has a gas fireplace and accesses a small patio.